Getting in the Mood with the Right Wallpaper

casanova wallpaper

This Valentine’s Day, do you need a little help from Casanova to get in a romantic (or dare I say lascivious) mood? Well, he can’t whisper advice into your ear, but you could hang up this wallpaper to inspire and titillate you and your partner.

Click on the website to order your own!

It comes in these colors: cherry, chartreuse, mustard, apple green, and … wait for it … hot pants. (How is hot pants a color??) Now, don’t you want to tell your lover, “Hey, check out my Casanova Hot Pants wallpaper, baby!”

And believe it or not, if you type in “Casanova wallpaper,” you’ll find a number of selections under that name from various companies, though they aren’t as “colorful” as this one.


Another Casanova wallpaper option

Casanova didn’t need wallpaper–his casinó near San Moisé had mirrors on the walls of one room and x-rated porcelain tiles on the walls of the other. Here’s the video I made there if you want to see what the current location looks like (though, sadly, these features are long gone).


This is Casanova wallpaper, too!

(Thank you to Mr. Drink Wine Today for introducing me to this wonderful wallpaper!)

About seductivevenice

Teacher, writer, traveler, dancer, reader, photographer, gardener.
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2 Responses to Getting in the Mood with the Right Wallpaper

  1. Hot pants SHOULD be a colour though. It’s fantastic!

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